What to Consider When Hiring Copy Machine Renters

Print is a crucial element of running a business. In fact, it's one of the largest expenses, coming third to rent and payroll. According to UnitPrint, about one to three percent of a company's revenue goes to print, which is a significant cost. To reduce the cost of printing, you can consider copy machine renters. Here are some of the factors to consider before you hire anyone.

What Kind of Support Comes With The Copy Machine Renters?

This is the first thing you should figure out before you hire any copy machine renters. Support is very important when dealing with copiers because anything could go wrong at any time. You may find yourself dealing with a paper jam or other horrendous mechanical faults. This is why you only need to consider copy machine renters with a solid tech support service. If the copy machine renter you are looking into doesn't have support services, you can at least check if there is a service warranty. That way, when something goes wrong, they can solve the problem as soon as possible.

What Does The Contract Specify?

Before you can sign a copy machine renter's contract, you need to first look into the specifics. Take your time to read and re-read the contract. It's possible that there might be some simple details that you will miss if you just skim over the contract without understanding. For instance, you should check if the fees include insurance costs and filing fees which can cause the bill to pile up. This is also why you need to compare quotes from different providers so you can see which suits your budget better.

Does Their Machine Have All The Features You Need?

This is another factor to consider before you hire a copy machine renter. You need to be sure that the machines they have come with all the features you need. Modern copy machines do a lot more than just photocopying. For instance, they can sort copies into the right order, and they also feature apps that enable you to print remotely from different devices. However, if you just want a basic machine, you will probably find that any copy machine renter has such.

These are some of the things to consider when you are hiring a copy machine renter. This is a decision that will impact your productivity significantly, so you need to take your time to ensure you go with the right provider. Are you looking for a copy machine for your business? Get in touch with Click Copiers today and we will be more than happy to help you out!

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