Is Your Business a Good Candidate for Printer Rental Services?

Part of your success as a business owner will be a keen understanding of how to use your resources. When discussing business resources, you aren’t only thinking about money. You also need to think about supplies, equipment, and the workforce needed to be profitable. Most companies need the use of a business-class printer, but you should only invest in a printer if it makes economic sense. For some companies it does, and for others it doesn’t. Let’s look at a few factors to help determine if your company is a good candidate for printer rental.

Do Your Printing Needs Justify a Purchase?

In order to make an intelligent decision about purchasing a printer versus renting a printer, you need to track your printing needs and cost. According to Key Point Intelligence, 90% of companies do not track this information. This means they could be wasting money on printer purchasing and maintenance without even knowing it. You need to collect the hard numbers concerning your real printing needs to help you determine if your company will financially benefit from a printer purchase or if you could better benefit from a printer rental.

Do Your Printer Needs Fluctuate?

If you notice that your printer needs tend to fluctuate, you’ll want to consider rentals. Renting a business printer can help you use resources more mindfully. During periods of heavy printing needs, you can bring in printer rental services to satisfy that need. When printing needs decrease, you can discontinue the rental for a while.

Do You Want to Outsource Maintenance?

Before making any kind of business purchase, you always need to remember that the purchase of the equipment is never the only expense associated with it. There is always the cost of care and maintenance to consider as well. When you use printer rental services, though, care and maintenance will be done by the rental company. This takes another task and expense off of your plate.

These are just a few reasons to consider printer rental services for your company. If you’d like to learn more about rentals, you can contact one of our knowledgeable team members at Click Copiers today.

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